We’d love to hear from you! 

If you would like to update your order or have any questions, suggestions or comments, please write us an email at info@gabrielaceballos.com, call us at (347) 353-1899 or send is a letter to:

Gabriela Ceballos Inc.

120 Thompson St.

New York, NY 10012

If you wish to visit our store, drop in at any of our summer markets (currently only in N.Y.C. and the Miami-Dade area, all locations will be posted a week in advance on our Instagram account @gabrielaceballosd.

For the latest deals, offers and updates on what is happening at Gabriela Ceballos, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @gabrielaceballosd and subscribe to our newsletter by joining our mailing list below. 

You can also use the contact form below to get in touch with our team, which will come to us in the form of an email. We do our best to respond to all inquiries and address all concerns promptly, to assure you timely service. 

Contact form

What’s on your mind? Please provide us with all the available information regarding your inquiry, and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

Additional text for contact form.